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Park Master Plan

Plan Maestro del Parque
Генеральный план парка

NHRPD has completed the process of developing the District’s new ten-year Parks and Recreation Facilities Master Plan.  O’Dell Engineering of Modesto was hired by the district to collect and analyze data to develop a clear set of standards, policies and goals for the District’s park system, open space, and recreation facilities for the next ten years.  This Master Plan will serve as a road map for providing high quality parks and recreation facilities and programs for residents and visitors to the North Highlands Recreation and Park District.  It includes a detailed examination of existing park sites, recreation facilities and programs, providing the basis for an in-depth community discussion and analysis of the needs and priorities of park and facility users. A copy of the Master Plan is attached below. We encourage you take some time to review the document and  There is a lot of information to review, but chapter six of the document summarizes recommendations for the District to consider.

District staff will spend the next year identifiying how to achieve recommendations in the Park Master Plan. More information and updates to come!

Park Master Plan Report


Community Meetings Recordings
Grabaciones de reuniones comunitarias
Записи собраний сообщества

  • January 17, 2023 recording
  • January 25, 2023 recording
  • February 25, 2023 recording


Questions? Please reach out to Scott Graham

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